Our clients came to us with a goal: to make their craftsman house last another 100 years. To achieve this goal we would need to make the house work for their lifestyle. They love to cook and entertain, but their existing house, with its cramped kitchen, limited space to congregate and lack of connection to the yard, made it hard to do so. They are also avid bicyclists, but did not have a convenient place to store their bikes. An open, airy addition on the back of the house allows our clients to entertain and enjoy their daily lives, while a bike entry, ramp and parking and maintenance zone elevate their bike commuting lifestyle.
A dedicated bike entrance to the right allows our bike commuting clients to quickly get inside.
A view of the bike entrance and start of the bike ramp from the main living space up above.
Bike entrance & ramp in action.
Bike ramp from above.
The bike ramp features a bike storage nook. The kneewall for the living area above includes cutouts for our client's expansive cookbook collection.
Our clients sometimes work from home. A dedicated work space works best for one, while the other can work from a variety of locations in the house.
The original house, a compact bungalo seen beyond the new living space, had no space for entertaining. A large dining area solves that problem.
The addition fosters easy access between the kitchen, dining area and outdoor area.
A spacious kitchen with industrial appliances and furnishings give our clients plenty of space to cook and storage space to put things away.
A glazed folding wall allows the addition to transform into an indoor-outdoor entertaining space.
The kitchen in full use for a summer party.
At the kitchen counter, the windows fold open, providing connection to the deck.
Toward the end of a party, all zones of the addition are in use.